Virtual Content


Virtual Teaching & Learning

Contemporary teaching & learning includes technology and media. There are a variety of ways technology and media are utilized in instruction, depending on the student experience.

A Teacher...

Uses technology and media in-person

Uses technology and media remotely

Creates media with technology for on-demand access

As a result, teachers and students have new options and opportunities to access quality arts education. However, there are not enough examples and resources of contemporary teaching and learning in and through the arts in SC on online platforms. To fill this gap, Arts Grow SC is offering a stipend for new arts or arts integration content that can be uploaded to multiple platforms.

New Content Needed!

As part of the Arts Grow SC plan, ABC Project has been asked to collect content for teaching and learning resources in arts and arts integration education for multiple media platforms.

The One Stop Workshop is a free, conference app for SC teachers. A collaborative effort with Palmetto State Arts Education (PSAE), this virtual platform offers a “one-stop” source for professional learning on arts in education, offering content for both educators interested in arts integration as well as discipline-specific arts specialists.


  • Professional Learning content from partner association conferences and members for other arts educators and arts integrators. From educators, for educators.

The SCDE offers the Instruction Hub, a Learning Object Repository (LOR) platform to provide more resources for lesson planning, student learning, exemplary teaching strategies and professional opportunities across our state.


  • K-12 instructional content, such as lesson plans, complete with hyperlinks to open source resources, content for direct student engagement, and supplemental documents (ex: assessments) for implementation.
  • Professional learning modules that include video instruction, supplemental documents and tasks to earn continuing education credit hours.

KnowItAll features a wide assortment of over 9,000 media assets and lesson plans, created by South Carolina ETV with a variety of partners for Pre-K to 12. The content has been optimized for tablets and mobile devices for one-to-one learning.


  • K-12 instructional content, such as lesson plans, complete with hyperlinks to open source resources, content for direct student engagement, and supplemental documents (ex: assessments) for implementation.
  • Contains professional learning modules that include video instruction, supplemental documents and tasks to earn continuing education credit hours.
  • Contains content for direct consumption in the classroom, at home, or community location; for example: a 15 minute instructional video with attached think sheets.

Submit Your Content

How It Works:

1.  Share your ideas at the button below.
2. The Virtual Teaching Learning review panel will:
       a. Recommend the idea for submission.
       b. Provide feedback as to areas of improvement or why the idea has not been at this time.
3. Once approved, the author creates/revises all content according to specific platform guidelines.
4. The author alerts the Virtual Teaching and Learning Project Manager that final submission content is ready to be reviewed.
5. The Virtual Teaching & Learning review panel will:
       a. Recommend the submission for publication.
       b. Provide feedback as to areas of improvement or why the idea has not been recommended at this time.
6. Upon approval, payment for service is processed.
       a. Payment for a complete, approved submission can range between $200-500, depending on the platform and extent of content (maximum of 3 submissions per individual per academic year)