Press Kit

Arts Grow SC Logos

You may not alter these logos in any way. Much care was taken to provide the most commonly-needed versions formatted for print and digital use. If you need a logo version that is not included in our logo files, please contact Communications Project Manager Jeff Robinson.

Partner Logos

The South Carolina Arts Commission is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts and collaborates in its work with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and South Arts.

All partner logos have been made available for download at the included link. You may not alter the original logos in any way. If you need a logo version that is not included in our logo files, please contact Communications Project Manager Jeff Robinson.

Media Contact

For all media inquiries, please contact Arts Grow SC Communications Project Manager, Jeff Robinson at

Funding Acknowledgment

All promotional materials for programs funded by Arts Grow SC must include the following funding acknowledgement:

(Org name) is an Arts Grow SC collective network partner. (Org name or “this project” or “this program”) is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.