For Families

Summer Arts Events

Arts Daily Calendar

Looking for engaging, educational, and FUN things to do this summer? Arts events are happening around South Carolina every single day! Check out Arts Daily to see what’s happening in your neck of the woods.



The SC Arts Directory is an extensive directory of artists, arts organizations, and teaching artists across many disciplines who work throughout South Carolina. It serves as a connector for artists, organizations, schools, and communities and allows users to find who they are looking for in multiple ways: search, artistic discipline, geographic availability, or Certified Teaching Artists. 

SCETV KnowItAll logo.

Arts Directory

The SC Arts Directory is an extensive directory of artists, arts organizations, and teaching artists across many disciplines who work throughout South Carolina. It serves as a connector for artists, organizations, schools, and communities and allows users to find who they are looking for in multiple ways: search, artistic discipline, geographic availability, or Certified Teaching Artists.