Arts Ed Data Project

About the National Arts Education Data Project

Reference: Arts Ed Data Project Website

The Arts Education Data Project dashboard enables parents, educators, school administrators, and policymakers to see what arts education courses are offered in public schools and districts across the state and gives decision makers the ability to track trends. It was created in partnership between the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) and Quadrant Research.

The nationwide project coordinates with participating state departments of education to collect and report arts education data (music, art, theatre, and dance) from State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) and other state department of education data sets on an annual basis.

Logo for the Arts Education Data Project

Explore the South Carolina Dashboard

Review school-level, district, county, and statewide data. The interactive, color-coded dashboard displays public K12 arts course enrollment data in music, art, theatre, and dance as reported annually by school districts to the SC Department of Education.

Project Partners


Logo for State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education
Logo for Quadrant Research


Logo for South Carolina Arts Commission
Logo for South Carolina Department of Education
Logo for ABC Institute