Professional Learning

One Stop Workshop

One Stop Workshop Logo

The One Stop Workshop is a completely free, fully virtual professional learning conference for SC teachers. This virtual platform offers a “one-stop” source for professional learning on arts in education, offering content for both educators interested in arts integration as well as discipline-specific arts specialists.

Instruction Hub

SCDE Instruction Hub Logo.

The SC Department of Education (SCDE) offers the Instruction Hub/Safari Montage, a Learning Object Repository (LOR) platform to provide more resources for lesson planning, student learning, exemplary teaching strategies, and professional opportunities across our state.

*Click on your district and log in with your email credentials to access the Instruction Hub/Safari Montage.


SCETV KnowItAll logo.

KnowItAll features a wide assortment of over 9,000 media assets and lesson plans, created by South Carolina ETV with a variety of partners for Pre-K to 12. The content has been optimized for tablets and mobile devices for one-to-one learning.

Joint Arts Administrators Network

Palmetto State Arts Education Logo.

The Joint Arts Administrators Network is a professional learning opportunity for District Arts Coordinators and Administrators of schools utilizing an arts-focused curriculum. It is a joint project of Palmetto State Arts Education with its partners, the ABC Institute, and the South Carolina Department of Education.

Artist Entrepreneur Incubator

The Artist Entrepreneur Incubator (AEI) is a series of monthly discipline-based interactive workshops for artists who are interested in transitioning their craft into a business.

Workshops are led by artists of all disciplines, arts consultants, and educators.  Workshops include information on basic business, licensing, marketing, contracts, and identifying resources for support and sustainability.

Upcoming Events​